L’institut Transform ! Europe organise une journée de conférence intitulée “Unorthodox and Austro-Marxism in Eastern Europe and Beyond” sur l’austro-marxisme et son influence dans le monde.
L’une des séances est animée par Jean-Numa Ducange, coordinateur du projet EUROSOC-Normandie. Toutes les conférences seront diffusées sur Youtube.
Samedi 4 décembre 2022
10:00—10:45 (CET): Austromarxism between the two world wars: the invention of a new kind of internationalism
- Jean-Numa Ducange, Professor for Contemporary History at the Rouen-Normandie University, France
10:50—11:35 (CET): Worker control, industrial democracy and the transition to socialism in the Central European post-war debate: the specificity of Austromarxism
- Mattia Gambilonghi, Researcher at the Fondazione Di Vittorio, Rome, Italy
11:40—12:25 (CET): Austromarxists and Social Democrats in West Balkans from fin-de-siecle until 1918
- Dunja Larise, philosopher and political scientist, Vienna, Austria
14:00—16:30 (CET): From the freest country in the world. The Prague Spring as a joint Czech-Austrian phenomenon
- Ondřej Holub, historian working at the Institute for Contemporary History of the CAS, Prague
- Jiří Málek, Chairman of the Board of the Society for European Dialogue / Společnost pro evropský dialog (SPED), Prague; member of the transform! europe board
- Patrick Eichler, political analyst at the Masaryk Democratic Academy, Prague
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
benedetto (1 décembre 2022). Unorthodox and Austro-Marxism in Eastern Europe and Beyond. EUROSOC Normandie. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/om4w